Online Reading Code Revelation (The Emporion Chronicles, #1)

Book Details
️Book Title : Code Revelation (The Emporion Chronicles, #1)
⚡Book Author : Boris Sanders
⚡Page : 200 pages
⚡Published January 2019 by Amazon Digital Services (first published December 24th 2018)

Code Revelation (The Emporion Chronicles, #1) - Introverted computer scientist Maximilian Gutenberg had no intention of acquiring a crystal with a being trapped inside, especially not one with the power to save or destroy humanity. Her name is Lucy, and she cannot escape her prison until her mission is complete. A mission she keeps secret from everyone, even Max. But she needs his help. To gain his trust, she offers to get rid of his abusive boss in one week, and get him that promotion he always wanted. Shell make him the hero of his own life, a man worthy of recognition, in exchange for helping her complete her mission. This could be the opportunity of Maxs life, but he cant help but wonder if Lucy is as good as she seems And exactly what mission she must complete to regain her freedom. Set in a dystopian, futuristic city built miles into the sky, CODE: Revelation is a powerful, psychological thrill ride that calls into question the nature of good and evil, and the importance of taking control of your own destiny. ?

Reading Free Code Revelation (The Emporion Chronicles, #1)

Code Revelation (The Emporion Chronicles, #1)

Introverted computer scientist Maximilian Gutenberg had no intention of acquiring a crystal with a being trapped inside, especially not one with the power to save or destroy humanity. Her name is Lucy, and she cannot escape her prison until her mission is complete. A mission she keeps secret from everyone, even Max. But she needs his help. To gain his trust, she offers to get rid of his abusive boss in one week, and get him that promotion he always wanted. Shell make him the hero of his own life, a man worthy of recognition, in exchange for helping her complete her mission. This could be the opportunity of Maxs life, but he cant help but wonder if Lucy is as good as she seems And exactly what mission she must complete to regain her freedom. Set in a dystopian, futuristic city built miles into the sky, CODE: Revelation is a powerful, psychological thrill ride that calls into question the nature of good and evil, and the importance of taking control of your own destiny. ?

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