Online Reading Fantasy of Frost (The Tainted Accords, #1)

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️Book Title : Fantasy of Frost (The Tainted Accords, #1)
⚡Book Author : Kelly St. Clare
⚡Page : 400 pages
⚡Published January 14th 2015 by Kelly St Clare

Fantasy of Frost (The Tainted Accords, #1) - I know many things. What I am capable of, what I will change, what I want to become. But there is one thing I will never know. Being the Tatuma of our world, the next to rule, should have given me a privileged life. One full of friends, love and happiness. If my mother did not hate me, I probably would have had all of that. Instead, she has kept me veiled from birth, turning the possibility of this distant dream into a living nightmare. Shunned by the court, abused from childhood, I am trapped within this material barrier and will never know my own face. Only two friends and a determination to become Tatum keep me sane. I am unaware everything in my life is about to change when the peace delegate arrives from the savage world of Glacium. Hidden agendas, past secrets and my struggle to stay alivewhile still becoming the person I want to becareen wildly out of control

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Fantasy of Frost (The Tainted Accords, #1)

I know many things. What I am capable of, what I will change, what I want to become. But there is one thing I will never know. Being the Tatuma of our world, the next to rule, should have given me a privileged life. One full of friends, love and happiness. If my mother did not hate me, I probably would have had all of that. Instead, she has kept me veiled from birth, turning the possibility of this distant dream into a living nightmare. Shunned by the court, abused from childhood, I am trapped within this material barrier and will never know my own face. Only two friends and a determination to become Tatum keep me sane. I am unaware everything in my life is about to change when the peace delegate arrives from the savage world of Glacium. Hidden agendas, past secrets and my struggle to stay alivewhile still becoming the person I want to becareen wildly out of control

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