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Book Details
️Book Title : Aftermath of an Addiction
⚡Book Author : Sandra Shrewsbury
⚡Page : ebook
⚡Published November 14th 2014

Aftermath of an Addiction - The abuse of drugs affects ones life more than one knows Not only does it ruin lives, it breaks hearts. The hearts of loved ones that stand by you day by day, trying to offer you the support that you need to put the pieces of the puzzle of life back together. But some people dont fit that last piece in the empty slot that the drugs have created. My mother left that slot empty and was never the same. But her story has already been told This is my story. This is the Aftermath of an Addiction.

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Aftermath of an Addiction

The abuse of drugs affects ones life more than one knows Not only does it ruin lives, it breaks hearts. The hearts of loved ones that stand by you day by day, trying to offer you the support that you need to put the pieces of the puzzle of life back together. But some people dont fit that last piece in the empty slot that the drugs have created. My mother left that slot empty and was never the same. But her story has already been told This is my story. This is the Aftermath of an Addiction.

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